Long Island Roofing: Article About Save Your Roof With Good Insulation
To separate or cover a surface with a material which reduces or prevents the transfer or passage of heat. With respect to roofing, it is the material that is placed between the exterior surface of the house and the exterior of the dwelling. The function is to reduce the amount of heat lost to the outside the home.
Long Island roofing contractors answer a question: Why is it important that I have good insulation?Insulation is important when it comes to keeping your home at a comfortable temperature. It also contributes greatly to the overall energy efficiency of your dwelling. Houses can lose a lot of heat through the attic space. If it weren't for insulation, your furnace would have to work much harder, and therefore consume more fuel to keep your home comfortable. Insulation also prevents moisture problems in the attic of the home by keeping the heat contained to the living areas of the house.

Good insulation will help to protect your roof from damage caused by water condensation. By protecting your attic, not only are you keeping your home energy efficient, you are preventing premature roof failure or complications due to roof leaks. Speak to a professional at Long Island Roofing to determine if your home is properly protected.
In the event of a leaking roof or condensation in your attic, you will need to replace the insulation. If you have old fiberglass batt and it gets wet, it will lose its ability to keep heat trapped in the living spaces of the house. If the glass between the fibers inside the batts get wet, the batts compress and many of the air pockets contained between the fibers disappears. It is the air pockets in the fibers that slow down the exit of heat in the winter and the entry of heat in the summer.
When framing, insulation, or roof decking remains exposed to water for a few days, it is possible that mold and mildew can form. Your roofing expert can recommend solutions for your home should your attic have moisture or if you have a roof leak in the future.
Condensation is formed when warm air comes in contact with cold surfaces, such as underneath the decking of your roof. The heat contained in the escaping warm air can lead to ice damming problems on the roof. When an ice dam develops, water can penetrate the roof and cause damage to the inside of the dwelling.
A roofing professional from Long Island Roofing can answer any question you have about GAF roofing materials or flat roofs.
The attic is the most important area of your home to insulate. The floor should be insulated the blown-in or batt type to the recommended R-value. The higher the R-value, the more effective it is. You should also consider insulating the walls and roof of the attic. This provides a buffer zone which is fully insulated, keeping the heat where you want it and also keeping the energy costs down. If you are not sure what the R-values are in your area, consult with an experienced roofing expert.
The purpose of insulating your attic space is to keep the heat energy from disappearing to colder areas. This is done by keeping a layer of air as close to the heat source as possible. If you are building a new home, fiberglass or spray-on polyurethane foam provide good protection. If you are adding to your existing dwelling, you can spray in cellulose through holes cut from the inside of the house.
When examining the attic, if you find moisture stains confined to a small area, a leak is likely to blame, while larger stains indicate possible condensation issues. Mold growth covering a large area on the underside of the roof is another sign of a condensation problem in the attic. Proper insulation protects the roof from damage due to moisture.