East Meadow Roofing: Article About Preparing For Roof Removal
This term refers to a layer of material that is located beneath the shingles of a roof to help prevent water penetration. The most common material used for an underlayment is builder's felt. Waterproofing membrane is an effective, though costly, alternative.
East Meadow roofing FAQ: What tools and supplies do I need to tear off a roof?If you're planning to remove the roof yourself, be sure to have a hammer, pry bar, extension ladder, chalk line and cat's paw. You'll also need roofing felt for your underlayment. Safety glasses, work gloves, roof jacks and a harness are also important supplies to stay safe during the job.

Tearing off old shingles can be the most intimidating part of a roof replacement project. Before you tackle this job on your own, it may be worthwhile to get a couple of bids from East Meadow roofing contractors, so you can determine if doing it yourself will save enough money to justify the effort. A tear-off performed by professionals will vary in cost depending on your location, the style of your roof and the number of shingle layers that need to be removed.
Before you begin your tear-off, it's important to do some preparation so that the process goes more smoothly. You'll need to research your local building codes and get a permit if necessary. Check the weather forecast and plan to begin the project when a stretch of good weather is predicted. The felt paper that makes up the underlayment may rip or come loose when it's exposed during a storm, so it's best to minimize the amount of time between tearing off and applying the new shingles. If a contractor is going to be installing the new shingles, you can schedule the work so that the new shingles are applied right after the tear-off. However, if you're planning to do the work yourself, it makes sense to approach it in sections. Tear off one section of shingles, and then apply the new ones before tackling a new section.
A tear-off is a messy job, but there are ways to keep cleanup time to a minimum.
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Placing a sheet of plywood over your turned-off air conditioner, doors and windows will protect them from debris that's thrown off the roof. A few tarps placed over grass, shrubs and flowers surrounding the house will keep them free of debris and greatly reduce cleanup. Be sure to rent a large trash container to hold the shingles that get torn off: It's a small expense, and it will allow you to toss shingles right off your roof into the container.
Taking the necessary safety precautions is another critical part of preparing for a roof removal. Working on a roof is a hazardous job, but following certain procedures can help reduce the risk. Nailing in some inexpensive roof jacks and then putting down a 2x10 piece of wood is a simple way to keep yourself from slipping off the roof. Be sure to wear the appropriate safety gear, including rubber-soled shoes to provide traction, safety glasses and sturdy work gloves. You may even want to invest in a safety harness for extra protection.
As you can see, a roof removal isn't a trivial job. It's important to prepare carefully and implement safety precautions before tackling the job yourself. If you have any doubt that you can perform the task safely, you may prefer to leave the work in the hands of professionals.