East Meadow Roofing: Article About Flat Roofs
A membrane is any material that is installed as a cover on a roof that has no pitch or a very slight pitch. Most membranes are installed so that they have a slight slope that allows any water to run off the roof into a gutter system.
East Meadow NY roofing FAQ: What materials are used on a flat roof?The four main materials used are tar, modified bitumen, thermoplastic polyolefin and IB PVC roofing. Tar is used in a built-up roof system. Several layers of builders felt are installed, with the final layer consisting of coal tar for pitch. For modified bitumen roofs, the asphalt is modified to have a rubber consistency. Thermoplastic polyolefin is highly waterproof and non-flammable, but not much is known about its long-term benefits. Finally, IB PVC is a strong material that is known for its long-lasting characteristics.

With so many roof designs available, you may find it difficult to pick the one you want to protect your home. One design that is available is the flat roof, which does not have a pitch. There are many factors in determining if you want to install a flat roof on your home, including appearance, cost, stability and maintenance. If you are thinking about potentially installing a flat roof, it is recommended that you speak to your trusted East Meadow roofing contractor to learn all the details so that you can make an informed decision.
There are a number of advantages to having a flat roof installed on your home. In general, flat roofs are far cheaper to install than pitched roofs, depending upon the materials used. Further, the install takes less time as the contractors can navigate the roof more quickly and more safely.
Flat roofs also provide a much larger living space that roofs that have a pitch. Because pitched roofs come in at an angle, the interior walls also come in at an angle. If these rooms are being used for offices or bedrooms, there will be less space for furniture and other items. If this space is used as an attic, quite a bit of heat is being lost in this unusable space.
One of the biggest disadvantages to having a flat roof is the maintenance.
Have a question regarding gutters and leaders or Supreme skylights? Please ask a roofing professional from Long Island Roofing of East Meadow NY.
Flat roofs are more difficult to inspect as they cannot be viewed without a ladder. This means that you may be less likely to perform routine inspections and maintenance, which could result in expensive repairs. Additionally, because flat roofs have no slope, they often have drainage problems that could develop into leaks if any damage occurs to the membrane.
While they may be cheaper to install, the cost of repairs on a flat roof are much more expensive that the cost of repairs on other roof designs. Because of issues with standing water, their life-span is considerably shorter than other than other roof designs. It is estimated that a pitched asphalt or metal roof may last up to 50 years or more while a flat roof may last closer to 10 years.
Finally, flat roofs absorb heat as a result of their design. However, this could be advantageous or disadvantageous. For example, if you are in a colder climate, the flat roof could lower your energy costs during the winter by absorbing more heat. However, this advantage turns into a disadvantage during the summer. On the other hand, if you plan on installing solar panels or other similar types of technology, a flat roof is a great place to install it.